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来源: 文章作者:梁艳琴 录入时间:08-04-16 11:24:12

  Shrinking Water Supply Poses Theat to Peace


  “Water, which is essential for life,costs nothing.On the other hand,diamonds,which are essential for nothing,cost a lot.”Unfortunately,the word has changed considerably since an 18th century economist made this remark.

  What was true over 200 years ago is certainly no longer true now.In a number of countries people pay as much for water in their homes as they do for electricity.

  What is still true,however, is the remark made by benjamin Franklin at the same time as the previous observation was made.“When the well’s dry, we knon the worth of water ,”he observed.

  Like health,we ignore water when we have it---unless there are floods,of course.Once there is a threat to our water supply,however,water can quickly become the only thing that matters.We know only too well that,without water,there can be no life.

  The situation is now becoming so bad that environmentalists feel it may be necessary to shock the world into saving water in a similar way to the shock caused by the oil crisis in the 1970s.

  At that time,the oil crisis became such a serious threat to the lives of everyone in the developed countries that it made people conscious of the importance of saving oil and provided powerful encouragement for governments to look for other forms of energy.

  The result undoubtedly was of major benefit to energy conservation.

  There is now no longer an unlimited supply of fresh water.If all the earth’s water could be poured into a gallon jug,the fresh water which would be available for everyone would amount to slightly more than one tablespoon---less than half of per cent of the total water in the jug.

  About 97 per cent of the planet’s water is seawater.Anonther 2 per cen is locked in icecaps and glaciers.There are also reserves of fresh water under the earth’s surface but these are too deep for us to use economically.

  Unfortunately,competition is growing fiercely for what little is available.It may be matter of time before that competition becomes a conflict.












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